Did you know that building your inner strength can be a life-changing factor? Some of us are not as rock-solid or tough mentally as we would like to be.
When you’re mentally tougher then you’re more likely to be more flexible. You’d be a lot more eager and be more mentally available. And so you’d be ready to do more and perform more and as a result, you’ll have greater achievements.
Here’s the thing, when facing challenges your inner strength is an essential building block.
It will be so much better for you to embrace challenges instead of shunning them because with each challenge that you overcome it further supports the increase of your inner strength.
What Is Inner Strength?

You might be asking yourself, but what is inner strength? Inner strength is an intense, unwavering belief in yourself.
Your situation nor your circumstances are not a factor, it only involves you, your mindset and thought process. It’s that belief in yourself that any challenge that crosses your path you can handle it.
It is extremely important and a necessity required to face life on the daily. Of course, you’re going to have disappointments and let downs and these are the things that test your inner strength.
The thing is, when you have inner strength you will be better able to get over these situations. Sometimes not immediately but sooner rather than later because you’ve built up a mental toughness towards doubts, disappointments and frustrations.
What does it Mean To Have Inner Strength
Sometimes there can be an earth-shattering change in your life like the loss of a loved one that can pull the rug from under your feet and really shake you up.
But when you have inner strength it will kick in at this point. The thing is, it might take a little bit of time to make a shift and straighten up and then gain traction but you carry on through it all.
It’s the mental toughness that you own. Which is the internal ability that you have to successfully cope with and tackle challenges and stress factors. And through all of this, you still come out on top regardless of the situation you are in.
How Do You Know You Have Inner Strength?

You know you have inner strength when you are aware of who you are. You have a moral compass and you are secure in the ethics, values, and qualities you hold.
And you’re able to use them in a sound, practical way and draw strength from them.
You have a set of beliefs of which you will not settle or negotiate when it comes to you or life in general. You know what you stand for and that cannot be influenced by anyone. You don’t fall for illusive, fly by night ideas and concepts.
Are you Naturally Born With Inner Strength?
We’re not necessarily born with inner strength but all of us were born with a ‘fight’ instinct. Here’s the thing, you can build on this quality over time to help beef up your inner strength.
There are many ways and skills that you can use to nurture and develop this mental toughness side of you.
Self-discipline and determination are really important to build your inner strength they will help you to handle any challenges that you might have. They play a major role and are significant to your success in life.
So it’s crucial that you take action for their development as they hit so many areas of your life.
How To Build Inner Strength
There are so many ways to build your inner strength and you can gain inner strength easier when you’re also strong in other ways.
Some of these include:
1. Build Your Confidence

When you have a confident mindset it makes it so much easier to build your inner strength. We all go through tough patches in life and experience so many challenges.
Even people who are successful, and to you don’t seem to have a problem, suffer from difficulties in life. But their confidence helps to boost their inner strength that makes the difference.
2. Prepare Yourself Physically

Your stress factors can really take a toll on you physically causing you to feel exhausted and at your lowest point. So it’s crucial that you take care of yourself especially in difficult situations.
You can do that by improving your body and mind. When you take up the challenge and stay the course through a tough workout, it’s a really good way to take care of your physique and at the same time give you the discipline to strengthen your mind.
When you have a strong mind, nothing will phase you. Others will find your determination inspiring and impressive to the point of mindblowing. They will want to take a page out of your book.
3. Train Your Mind To Focus
If focusing is not one of your strong points, then it’s essential that you improve your ability to focus. A big part of inner strength is when you’re able to focus on what you need to get done.
No matter what the conditions are, you ‘put your blinders on’ giving yourself a sense of having tunnel vision, and not letting what is happening around you suck your energy.
Learning to focus is not a one-time thing and if you’re consistent you’ll learn to focus over longer periods of time.
4. Prayer And Meditation

When you pray or even practice meditation on a daily basis it gives you a sense of optimism, peace, and hopefulness. It’s a good place to start if you actually want to increase your inner strength.
It’s also a great way to learn how to focus and at the end of the day helps you with increasing your inner strengths. This helps you to be attentive to what you are doing.
When your mind starts to wander, reel it in. If you’re consistent with this practice, over time you will build on the strength of discipline and truly enjoy the benefits.
5. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Dealing with discomfort is an important part of inner strength. Perhaps changing up your routine to something just as or more meaningful than what you have in place.
Embrace your challenges and get out of your comfort zone in order to search for and figure out how to address them.
When you’re undergoing tough times be it family, friends, finances, your job, you name it, it unearths your strengths and brings them to the fore.
You have so many underlying strengths inside of you that have been in a comatose state. Take advantage, face those challenges head-on, and tap into them.
If you decide to make a change remember that it comes with some degree of being uncomfortable. If you find that you’re struggling, try approaching things from a different angle. Or just keep at it until you get accustomed to doing it and you’re no longer uncomfortable.
For example, learn a new language, start an exercise routine, or get up earlier.
6. Take Action

Taking action is another way to help build your inner strength. The easy part is to decide that you’re going to do something, but the real test is to put your mouth where your money is and do something about it.
Don’t get caught up in procrastination by overthinking or over planning. It might be a difficult project or undertaking but you can build your inner strength by taking action as quickly as possible.
7. Examine Your Track Record

Take a Look at your Track Record and examine your previous achievements. Let it be a reminder to you that you’ve done excellent, brilliant, significant and impactful things before and you can still do it.
When you look at your past accomplishments you will also realize that you are tougher than you think.
8. Walk Away From Negative People

Leave Negative People behind. These people will only drain your energy and your inner strength.
So, it’s important to have positive supportive people around you. When you have positive people around you you’ll be in a better position to build your inner strength.
9. Share With Trusted Loved Ones

Sharing your difficulties with people you trust provides an avenue for you to get encouragement, guidance and support.
Even if it means using the services of a Therapist. The job of the Therapist is to help you to do some self-examination and soul searching. This will help you to analyze and figure out your inner strengths.
It also helps to take the pressure off while at the same time helps you to look at solutions from a different standpoint.
10. Stay Positive

Stay positive and strong during difficult times and block the outside noise, in spite of the difficulty you might be experiencing. This an important aspect of mental resistance to frustrations and doubt.
When you have a positive attitude you’ll not sweat the small stuff in your day to day life.
It’ll be a plus because your mental toughness will be of such that you’re able to deal with challenges easier or even help others who are going through challenging situations.
11. Take Time To Relax

If you want to build inner strength you need to have some stamina to tackle your issues. That means you will need to take time to relax and recharge.
If doing some form of exercise helps to clear your head and relaxes you then take advantage of this. Maybe swimming, going for a run or walk taking a long hot bath or clocking out and getting some good ‘ole’ sleep. If that’s what it takes then do it.
Taking the time to clear your head will put you in a better position. You’ll be refreshed and ready to process and to take on whatever life throws your way.
Whatever your circumstances are, find a way to pull yourself together and find a way to deal with the situation at hand.
12. Have A List Of Your Goals

Write down your goals and hang on to a list of those goals that will help you to grow. It really doesn’t matter whether your goals are long term or short term. Write them down along with the steps you need to take.
You might have to take detours or might even have to do a one-eighty and change course when the situation calls for it. If that is the case, look at your strategy and make the necessary adjustments.
Don’t give up but always keep pushing forward towards those goals and work your way through them. Draw on your inner strength and find a way to make it happen.
Inner strength is the grit and determination to keep going when things aren’t going the way you’d like. You keep pushing and t persistently put one foot in front of the other.
Your Inner strength is shown by your positive attitude, will power and your self-confidence. Deep down you know that you are capable and ‘lion-hearted’.
Get involved in activities that help to strengthen your mental toughness. Put in the work and crack open your own inner strengths.
There might be moments you feel like you cannot make it. Don’t give in because these moments will only help to make you stronger.
Soon you’ll be looking at those days and be happy that you embraced them. It’s in your power.
How do you build your inner strength?
I am currently working on building my inner strength by focusing on my blog consistently. It’s hard to train your mind to start something new but I know the pay off will be worth it
Hey Josie,
It might be difficult especially at first but it will be so worth it.
Grit and determination. Love it.
Hi Sue,
Happy you found value.
Taking action is the hardest and most important for me! If we never do anything, we’ll never know that we can! Thank you for these great tips.
Hey Jennifer,
You’re not alone girl so many of us are in the same boat, we are capable of doing more than we think but if we never try we’ll never know.
This is brilliant, thank u. X
Hi Lauren,
You’re most welcome!