In this post: Are you aware of the importance of trust in a relationship? If your relationships are teetering on the edge of disaster because of trust issues, well, it goes without saying that trust is very important in any relationship. And, there are lots of different things that you can do to build trust in your relationship.
When all is said and done, behind all of our disagreements, misunderstandings, preferences, dissatisfactions, pet peeves, and influences we’re all humans.
The fact of the matter is that we all crave interaction on friendly and respectful levels and in the process make meaningful connections.
There are a number of things that you can do in your relationships to create and build strong bonds.
What Is Trust?

When you trust someone it simply means that you believe with all your heart that you can depend on them regardless of the situation.
There’s a sureness that you have in the relationship to the extent that you feel secure and protected whether from a physical level or from an emotional standpoint.
There are no mind games that is, situations where your words and actions don’t match. So there will be no need for any negative assumptions.
Why Is Trust So Important?

Here’s the thing, trust is the backbone of any relationship. When there’s trust, it helps to foster happiness, contentment and comfort and allows for a positive and successful outcome every time.
Both persons in the relationship are able to deal with any self-doubt present, trauma, anxieties and stress. You have no difficulty talking to each other about these issues with confidence.
You’ll have a confidante and will feel secure that the conversations will not be repeated to anyone or used against you in any negative way at all.
Here are some reasons why trust is so important in a relationship:
1. Reassures

When there is trust in any relationship, there will be reassurance. There is no need for your mind to be going a million miles an hour, being suspicious or thinking all sorts of negativity about what the person is doing or has done.
There is no reason to feel insecure. If you constantly feel that way, it can undermine and ultimately destroy your relationship.
It can take away your peace and contentment. It also stops you from engaging in the relationship in a laid-back and genuine way. If there is trust there will be no room for confusion, suspicions, blame or pointing fingers.
2. Emotionally Healing

You and I both know this, nobody is perfect. Even though trust is present in a relationship there are times when there will be mistakes and misunderstandings. It’s important that you have a strong sense of who you are.
But the good thing is that with trust you can be open and sincere about your feelings. Set aside some time if you feel that there is an issue that needs to be aired.
Whether it’s your concerns, questions or just to talk about how you feel. Reserve some time that is convenient for both of you where you can each speak and be heard without any interruptions. This way you will figure out what’s bothering you without harboring any unnecessary and unhealthy negative thoughts.
3. Strengthens Love

Trust is important because it strengthens love in every relationship. Here’s the thing, trust doesn’t happen overnight.
So, as your trust grows over time, you’ll end up with a win-win situation because it also strengthens love during this period in your relationship. You expect the person to want the best for you and vice versa.
Naturally, you’ll develop a bond and will probably realise that you have a lot in common, maybe you even have some of the same hobbies. And you’ll start to share your interests, as well as different areas of your daily life.
4. Get past Challenges

You are able to get past challenges easily when you have trust in your relationship. The other person might be going through a tough time, maybe they have lost a loved one. Or they might be having some issues that are job-related.
Knowing that no matter what the obstacles are, when both of you put your heads together you can figure out a solution. It can make a big difference in your relationship.
5. Allows Breathing Space

The fact of the matter is that, In order for any relationship to grow, bonding plays a critical part. But, it’s also important to give each other space.
This is so that you’re free to do you. It’s important that this aspect of your life be nurtured. Whenever you want, you’re free to do the things that make you, you. Whether it’s physical or emotional space, this is a big deal.
If there are any restrictions you’ll feel suffocated and there will be bottled up bitterness and resentment.
What Happens To A Relationship Without Trust?
Trust is an essential component of any healthy and fruitful relationship. Without trust, a relationship can easily become strained, toxic, and unfulfilling.
When doubts creep into a relationship, it can be challenging to be vulnerable and open with the other person, and this lack of transparency can cause real damage.
A relationship without trust is like a house without a foundation; it can topple at any moment. Building trust requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to be honest and forthcoming with the other person.
If you find that you are struggling to trust the other person, then it’s vital to address this issue with respect and openness and work together to rebuild the foundation of your relationship.
Communication is key, and a willingness to listen, understand, and empathize goes a long way in restoring trust. The fact is, the importance of trust in a relationship cannot be overstated, so be sure to invest the necessary time and energy needed to foster a healthy, loving, and trusting relationship.
How To Build Trust In A Relationship
Trust is the lifeline of any strong relationship, be it a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a professional partnership.
Without trust, the relationship is unlikely to survive. It’s essential to build trust and maintain it for a long-lasting and healthy relationship. It’s not something that can be achieved overnight but requires patience, consistency, and open communication.
When both parties are transparent and honest with each other, it creates a level of confidence and reduces any doubts that may cause mistrust.
When both persons are committed to making the relationship work and are willing to put in the effort to build trust, it ultimately strengthens the bond between them. And, this creates a harmonious atmosphere where both parties feel valued.
Let’s dive into these tips that can help you build trust and form strong bonds that will stand the test of time.
1. Show Appreciation

This is not a one size fits all situation because every relationship is different. Whether it’s a relationship involving family, a friendship, a romantic relationship, or even a bond with your coworker, learn to see the value in kindness that’s shown to you and say thanks.
This might vary based on the different types of relationships, but the overall viewpoint is the same.
Whenever anyone in any type of relationship does something nice for you or takes the time to support you, recognize and acknowledge that consideration, support and love given to you. Take the time to show your appreciation for their kindness.
2. Spend Time Together

Nowadays with everybody being so busy, it can be difficult to find time to spend together. But spending time together is a must for every type of relationship if you want to build any kind of bond and make connections.
Pencil it in your calendar if you have to, but by all means, make it happen. This is such an important part of bonding and trust.
Whether it’s dinner, lunch date, coffee chats or doing certain activities together, for instance going to the gym or the beach together – make the time.
3. Honest Communication

If you ever want to strengthen a relationship based on trust then honest communication is a key factor.
Sometimes you might be swayed into telling a little white lie to prevent any kind of confrontation but believe me, honest communication will be so much healthier for your relationships on a whole.
Honesty should be given great attention and respect and should be greatly valued. That being said, be careful how you choose your words.
It doesn’t mean that you’re going to sugar-coat anything. You can get your point across without hiding your feelings. You can express yourself while being honest, genuine, and straightforward but at the same time you don’t have to be mean.
4. Forgive

You’re not perfect and neither am I. We all make mistakes and we are riddled with flaws which we struggle with so many things. And these we take into every relationship in one form or the other.
If there’s ever going to be trust in your relationships you have to learn to forgive others of these traits, habits, quirkiness, mannerisms, kinks, and peculiarities because you have them too.
If the relationship is really important to you, it will take priority and outweigh and remove the focus from these little habits and flaws that tend to drive you up the wall. At the same time, forgive yourself for your errors and imperfections.
5. Support

Support is another essential in any relationship. You should provide support in your relationships in both good times and bad times.
It really helps to know that you have someone who will be there for you. Not only to celebrate the good times but to support you and help you to weather the storms with you when the going gets rough and you really need a leg up.
6. Kindness and Respect

A good position to take in life is to treat others the way you want to be treated. Over time, this becomes a habit and should therefore be carried over into every type of relationship that’s important to you.
If you’re going to do something you think it might make the other person uncomfortable, miserable, or even cause conflict then maybe it’s better to speak to them first before you do anything.
After all, if the shoe was on the other foot, you would want them to respond in kind and do the same for you. You can’t be too careful in this situation. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
7. Listen

Really listening to someone speak, you leave the conversation knowing the person a whole lot better. So it makes sense that if you want to get to know and understand someone better then it simply means that you need to pay attention and listen to them more closely.
When you start to listen to someone attentively you’ll get a better grasp of what others expect of both themselves and of you. You will also have a better understanding of what the person is trying to say and give an appropriate response.
Putting your listening skills to work, you’ll be able to build better relationships with your family friends and coworkers. As a matter of fact, you’ll also be able to clear up any misunderstandings more quickly.
Conclusion On The Importance Of Trust In A Relationship
The importance of trust in a relationship is of utmost importance no matter the type of relationship. If you have a hard time trusting people, the root of the problem is that you usually think and behave in a certain way and always have a negative outlook. This will only make it so much harder for your relationships to survive.
When there is no trust, you’ll waver and give up on people when times get rough. Even when there are disappointments and or mistakes there’s no need to just walk away and abandon the relationship.
Be open and honest and instead of being daunted by fear give it your all and make the decision to apply trust in all of your relationships. This way you’ll form bonds that can last a lifetime.
If there is no proof of the doubts that you have harbored, then take the person at their word and give your relationship a chance. And even if there is some fragment of proof, things are not always as they seem – you might be surprised to find that you’ll see things from a different perspective.
What are some of the ways in which you build trust in your relationships? Comment below!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post so much. You touched on so many important aspects of a relationship. I have been in relationships that didn’t have much trust or respect. Now that I’m in a healthy one, I can see the night and day differences!!
Hi Samantha,
So happy for you, now that you’re in a healthy relationship!
This is an AWESOME article. I was reflecting on the emotional healing. So many times in relationships, sitting down and being open with each other about thoughts and feelings causes so many problems. And I had thought how the next relationship I am in – this will be a deal breaker for me. It is so important for peoples feelings to be validated and often times they are not. I believe in every aspect of relationships that you touched on because they are all qualities of healthy ones.
I completely agree that for a relationship to thrive, trust is key.
there are so many important benefits in this post on having trust in a relationship.
thanks for sharing!
Trust is so very important. Communication is the key to building trust. Well articulated and a complete article
This is such an important thing that everyone should read. And it’s good to remind ourself of too <3