To de-stress is crucial and is the core of your health and well being. Stress is any situation that holds you at ransom by placing pressure on you.
It can wreak havoc on the body and mind and leave you completely debilitated.
There are no two ways about it, you encounter an onslaught of stress every single day. This comes in all forms from around you and within you.
It could be emotional problems, illness, a major financial setback, stress at work, job loss, divorce, the loss of a loved one or worry… I could go on and on.
To help manage your stress attacks throughout the day, a good place to start is your morning routine. Have a motivation routine first thing in the morning.
This is your base and your resource that you will use to set the tone for the rest of your day.
Whether it’s prayer, meditation, affirmations, music or whatever form your motivation takes, make sure that you include some type of action that will get you and keep you motivated throughout the day.
It will get you centered and get your mindset fired up and ready for any challenge. Because let’s face it, you and I are no exception to the rule when it comes to challenges. But in this way, you can take control of your day.
Here’s the thing, you don’t need to react or respond to everything and everybody. When it feels like things are getting frayed around the edges dig deep inside your core and find the strength to rise above these situations.
If it means that you have to regroup and refocus, then, by all means, do so and let your come back be even stronger than ever.
Even if you have to enlist another round or mini rounds of prayer, quote or music or some type of positive activity to get you through the situation, then do it.
Looking to get rid of some stress? Here are some things that you can do to help you refocus and cope with stressful situations right now. Let’s reset and take your balance back.
Relax At The Beach

Grab your sunscreen and hit the beach! If you have access to the beach don’t take it for granted. It is an effective way to de-stress.
The Clear turquoise water, the waves, the smell of the salty air, the radiant sun lends a sense of calm to the mind and body.
The feeling of the sand bunching up through your toes is not only fun but it is oh so soothing and relaxing.
There is no way you can avoid soaking up some rays while you are there. You will get the added health benefit of a dose of Vitamin D.
Even though we do have foods that are enriched with vitamin D there is nothing better than absorbing it directly from nature itself.
Unplug from all the outside noise and recharge with a good dip in the ocean. There are a lot of minerals in the salty seawater that are beneficial to the body.
Immerse your body in that therapeutic saltwater and allow it to heal and rejuvenate both your body and mind.
Listen to Music

We all know that music completely elevates your mood. It might seem so simple but music is a great form of therapy and can help you to relax and beat stress.
Music can be found everywhere and can have a life-changing effect on your body and mind.
The fact is music can inspire, motivate and de-stress. It can make you feel positive and also change your perspective on your day and your life.
When it is of a faster rhythm it helps to lift the spirit and energizes you. You might even be inclined to dance, getting the added benefit of exercise.
When it is of a slower beat it can soothe your mind, take you a place of calm and help you to relax.
The good thing is, you can listen to music anytime and almost anywhere… while working out, studying, working, during your commute,, doing your household chores or just relaxing.
So, whatever genre of music is your preference, hit your playlist and let the music take you away, soothe your mind and help to melt away the stress.
Watch A Movie

Don’t underestimate entertainment as a form of relieving stress. A great way to let go of your worries and angst is to watch a movie.
You can go to the movie theater or skip the theater and make your own set up at home. Be creative and make your very own movie eats complete with popcorn, drinks and hot dogs …whatever your preferred choice of snacks.
This form of therapy can help to detach your mind from stress and provide a form of escape from your issues.
Whether it’s comedy, action or mystery you can get so caught up in the movie that you relax into it and leave your stress behind.

To help you de-stress and feel better, you need to amp up your game when it comes to moving your body. Whatever you do, sneak in some form of physical activity into your daily routine.
Regular exercise can act as a buffer against worrying which can lead to negative thoughts. As you and I both know, most of these negative thoughts are the lifeblood of stress.
You can start off with at least 30 minutes out of your day. You could walk, run, dance, swim or any other form of physical activity that you enjoy and that gets the heart rate up.
These exercises can lift your mood and help to change your train of thoughts by causing you to pay attention and concentrate on the activity that you are participating in.

There is something just so satisfying when you’re reading a good book. Make yourself comfortable and get your hot or cold beverage of choice or your snack. Find a quiet place, tune out the noise and dig into a good book.
If you are like me, you might prefer a physical copy of the book. But it doesn’t have to be a hard copy at all, an audible option is just as good.
It may seem all basic but reading is a form of relaxation technique. When you get into reading it can help to relieve the stress on your mind.
Burying yourself in a good book helps you to let go and tune in to the details of what you’re actually reading.
Get A Massage

Long gone are the days when massage therapy was seen as a luxury. Nowadays getting a massage is really a necessity, seriously!.
A massage is when there is pressing and manipulating of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons on different areas of the body. The whole objective of this exercise is to relax both the mind and the muscles.
There are different types of massages and they can vary in intensity as well depending on the type of massage you want to have.
Getting a massage can provide relief for a number of health benefits. Since we are bombarded all day long with different types of situations that are stressful; getting a massage provides tranquility and is a great way to shed stress.

Journaling is an excellent outlet to help you relieve stress. It allows you to release your emotions. Your journal doesn’t have to be fancy at all, so start putting your thoughts on paper.
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to keeping a journal. You can write every day, every week or whenever you like, it’s all up to you.
Take an internal inventory. This is where you can go all in. Include all the details, don’t leave anything out – your thoughts and your feelings; all of your emotions. Life…..write it all down as it happens.
It could be something that you’ve experienced or is experiencing , family and friends. Don’t forget gratitude, be sure to also include things that you are grateful for. It has a tendency to calm you mentally, physically and emotionally.
Take A Break

When was the last time you took a vacation? The different stresses of life can torment your mind and cause you to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Relax and keep calm by taking some time off to heal and get in tune with your mind and body.
While you are on vacation all plans as it pertains to work are off the table. You are free to do any form of activity you want to, anytime you want to.
To get the most out of your vacation, unplug…unplug your mind body and electronics totally from work and social media.
Taking a break from all of the overwhelming situations can help to boost your mood. It gives you a chance to clear your head and refocus your mind and revitalize and rejuvenate your body.
Faith and Prayer

Most of us believe in a higher power. Faith and prayer will allow you to connect to that higher power. It will help you to relinquish control of situations or circumstances that overwhelm you during difficult times.
Prayer is how you communicate with that higher power – God. It is a great way to start your day and end your day.
It strengthens you and gives you the courage to face the different circumstances that overwhelm you from every angle. This is one of the things that work very well at de-stressing.
When you are going through a tumultuous situation in life, it weighs you down and leaves you drained and all stressed out.
Whenever you pray and have faith that God will take care of you and your situation, it calms you. You get a feeling of comfort and hope which acts as a barrier against stress and anxiety.
Prayer and faith empowers you. It enables you to approach worry and stress from a centered place and it gives a positive effect on your outlook on life. What are you waiting for? fire up your faith and prayer.
Household Activities

If you love cleaning the house and even if you don’t, tackling household chores is an activity that is a serious stress buster.
It might sound strange to you or maybe not but some people de-stress by doing some form of household chore.
When you are doing a chore you can get totally absorbed. This can help your thoughts to take a different direction and concentrate on what you are doing.
These tasks include decluttering, organizing or just general cleaning of the household. It can help you by shifting your focus so that you concentrate on the tasks you are doing and let go of your worries.
Add some fun and break free by playing your favorite kind of music. Bring on those dance moves (I know you have it in you) and bust a move when the music hits you.
Connect with Family and Friends

You don’t get to choose your family members and some of them can be downright unbearable.
Make time to form and re-establish bonds with your family and friends. Those that are stressful (we all have them) leave them be and love them from a distance.
The other family members and friends that provide a strong support base for you, take advantage of this. This is a major part of your de-stressing ingredient right there.
When you have friends and family that you can count on then the pressures of life are easier to navigate. So, foster good relationships and don’t isolate yourself.
Don’t get so busy that you neglect to spend time with the people you love. When the pressures of life start to hit you from every angle (believe me they will) and the going gets stressful these are the people that you will be able to lean on.
Here’s the thing, when you connect with others that you love and trust it opens the door for relaxation, heart to heart chats and laughter.
In the process, it gives you a chance to open up about any stressful situations that may be bugging you.
What are some of the ways that you de-stress?
Great post, exercising and relaxing at the beach will help with your stress level for sure.
Hey Debbie,
For sure, it will. I love the beach!
Ah the beach yes! So relaxing I miss it so much now that I live somewhere without it.
Hi Tamara,
The beach is one of my favorite ways to relax. I take advantage of that opportunity as often as I can….I love it!
Love these! I’ve been pretty stressed lately so definitely needed to get some ideas for how to wind down now
Hi Shannon,
Give them a try! You will let go some of that stress for sure.
My husband can always tell if I’m stressed because I proceed to scour the whole house. I’ve never quite understood it, but it makes me feel so much calmer once I’m done.
Hey Kimberlie,
Cleaning is undoubtedly therapeutic!