Have you ever thought about getting out of your comfort zone? The truth is, you and I both have a space we call our comfort zone. It’s protected, it’s comfortable, and it’s what you’re accustomed to from day-to-day.

Because this safe place is so comfortable and convenient, you really don’t want to venture outside of your comfort zone. Instead, you always want to stay in this bubble that you’re living in.

But the truth of the matter is, outside of your comfort zone is where all the magic happens. Your comfort zone can be a stumbling block on your path to progress and your self-development and improving your life overall.

This can become your reality especially if you remain stagnant there for too long. Of course, you feel safe there but at times it can also make you feel like you’re boxed in a corner.

What Does It It Mean To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

woman biting fingernail

It means that even though you’re uncomfortable or scared of doing something, you push yourself and do it anyway.

For instance, If you’re working on a project and you hit a roadblock, you might have to learn something new which you have to implement in order to complete the project. 

Simply put, you’ll have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you ever want to accomplish anything meaningful in life.

Why Are You Scared To Get Out Of My Comfort Zone?

woman with hands covering the lower part of her face

In trying to get out of your comfort zone, it can really make you feel scared, awkward, and embarrassed. Because you feel inadequate and insecure in whatever you’re trying to do.

Because getting out of your comfort zone demands that you let go of your fear, discomfort and distress in whatever you’re attempting to do. Put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving.

Anytime you’re working on your goals and delaying tactics start to suck you in, you might be called out by a friend, family member, or even a coworker. No doubt you’ll be strongly encouraged to push on through and get out of your comfort zone. 

Why Your Comfort Zone Is The Most Dangerous Place To Live?

Your comfort zone might be a beautiful place where you have your buffer zone and you feel protected. On the other hand, it’s a dangerous place to be because nothing grows in that space.

You and I both need to have a sense of feeling safe but at the same time, you need to let go of your fear and try something different. If you don’t then there is no progress, no development and no improvement in your life. You’re just stuck in one phase.

You’re only functioning on your bare minimum and that’s as far as it goes when you’re in your safe zone. When you step out of your comfort zone, you will see new possibilities.

When you start to see things from a new perspective and ‘then you’ll start to take steps toward them.  The possibilities are in plain sight but because you’re so paralyzed by fear you remain stuck. 

When you push yourself out of your comfort zone you spark a sense of enthusiasm because you look forward with eagerness expecting to accomplish your goals.

Why The Magic Happens When You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

When you step out of your safe haven that is where the journey to growth and progress begins. You’ll need to free yourself of your fears and insecurities and doubtfulness and take chances. If not then you will be stagnant without any growth at all.

You will also benefit in the long-term. Because this will help you to deal with any unusual developments that happen in your life on the daily.

Possibilities that are not readily spotted will only be visible to you when you’ve taken the necessary actions and put in the work. You might not even find out that this possibility existed and you will only understand and value that in hindsight.

How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Tips

Here are some simple actionable steps you can put into practice to help cross the border out of your safety zone.

1. Change Your Routine 

people sitting on the train

One of the best places to start when trying to get out of your comfort zone is to change up your routine.

Try using a new method of transportation to work. If you’re accustomed to driving, take the bus or the train instead. Try a new cuisine or try a new lunch spot.

Pay attention to the setting of your environment carefully and things you haven’t noticed before. When you make it a habit of attempting new things, things that seemed difficult at first becomes easier and leaving your safety net is not as terrifying.

2. Stand Up For Yourself 

two women speaking

It doesn’t matter what the setting is, whether it’s in a meeting, at work, with family and friends, or wherever. If something affects you, stand up for yourself. Don’t think that being assertive is being aggressive. That’s not the case at all.

When you understand that you need to stand up for yourself and that your point of view, and how it makes you feel are all critical. Let your voice be heard because you matter.

Standing up for yourself will empower you and allow you to be more bold and courageous and optimistic. This will build your confidence, boost your self-esteem, and self-worth and you’ll be respected more by others for stating your point and standing your ground.

3. Connect With New People

group of women in meeting

Connecting with new people can open a new world of opportunities. This can make a big difference in your life. It can boost your career and unlock new ideas and possibilities you weren’t even aware existed. 

It can be a bit terrifying and awkward at first, but once you change your mindset and start to accept that there are so many possibilities from meeting new people, it will get so much easier.

For one, you’ll get to interact with people from different walks of life and get to understand what makes them tick as well as the different perspectives that they might have.  It will help you get new insight and see things from a different viewpoint.

In the long run, you’ll make new friends, you’ll be able to communicate better and improve your chances of landing a job plus it will boost your confidence as well.

4. Master A New Skill

studying on the computer

Look around you, the entire world is constantly changing. There are always new inventions, innovations, discoveries and breakthroughs. 

If you are unable to adjust to the times then you’ll be left in the dust. You’ll be more equipped to handle difficulties as they present themselves if you make the necessary adjustments.

Learning helps to support your brain health. It helps to keep your brain involved while absorbing information and knowledge. It allows you to see things from a different standpoint and helps you to get a hold of exposure to new experiences and know-how.

5. Take A Trip To New Places

Woman at Eiffel Tower

You and I both know that taking a trip to new destinations brings on a certain type of excitement just from looking forward to the experience. 

There can be so much enjoyment and relaxation when you get to live in a different country even if it’s just for a few days.

You get to explore different sights, different sounds, and try unique foods. You also get to observe the way of life of other people by visiting museums and interacting with the people who live there.

This type of engagement is in itself a learning experience. It can make you take a new approach to life and drive you to question and figure out and focus on what’s really important in life. 

6. Start A New Hobb

Learning photography

Starting a new hobby and then mastering it is very satisfying. It helps to build your self-confidence and your self-esteem.

Having a new hobby is also a part of self-care as it drives you to take time for yourself. This me-time provides a springboard for you to open your mental clarity to different ideas and different ways of seeing the world.

There are so many aspects of your life that can benefit from a new hobby as it drives you to take time for yourself.

The fact is, it can boost your mind and your social life. It can also pull you out of your shell and help you to build connections with new people and improve your career path.

7. Make The Most Of New Opportunities

Opportunities are not planned they take place randomly. Take a self-improvement assessment. Then take measures to work on areas of your life that needs growth and development.

This can, without you even realising it prepare you for opportunities that present themselves. Even though you might feel petrified, don’t lose out. Make the first step and just say yes to the opportunity. If you keep a positive mindset the possibilities are endless.

If you sit back in your cocoon and do nothing, nothing will happen. Everything in life involves risks, so when opportunities come around, seize them.

You’ll learn and grow when you take the risk and grab a hold of opportunities and your successful outcomes will boost your self-confidence.

Conclusion On Where The Magic Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

The magic really happens when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you let go of your fear and step out, even though you’re scared it t can do amazing things in your life.

You’ll make room for growth, build your inner strength, boost your self -confidence, and will be valuable in helping you to achieve your goals. Make this your new way of life.

Is it hard to move out of your comfort zone? Heck yea! but it’s so necessary.   You’re missing out on so much of your existence by staying in your safe space.  

What are you doing to get out of your comfort zone? Comment below!