Do you get a thrill from juggling a million things at a time? – well maybe not a million, but you get my point. If you’re in the habit of being always overloaded then you could be addicted to stress.

Raise your hand if you’re someone who is constantly going at it and if you’re not, then you don’t feel like you are doing. You might even think that this drives you to be more productive.

If this is you and you are constantly looking for more to add to your plate instead of managing the stress you already have, then chances are you might be an addict to stress without even being aware of it. 

It seems silly to be addicted to something that can make you feel overwhelmed and downright miserable.

But, this is often linked to being overworked, being a perfectionist, and having the thought that the more you try to accomplish, the better off you will be.

Keep reading to learn more about stress, how it can be an addiction, and what you can do about it.

What Is Stress?

woman holding head with computer and note books on desk

In a nutshell, stress is how your body reacts when excess demands are placed on it. When your body feels threatened in any way whether emotional, mental or physical also adds up to stress.

When it comes to stress in this context, some common ones are: pressure from your job, social media or financial issues.

If you are always stressed out, be aware that stress does have a ripple effect and will affect the people around you. You can pass your stress on to your family and friends.

What Being Addicted to Stress Looks Like

woman with intense concentration typing on computer

The thing is, It can often be hard to determine if you are addicted to stress. It can be especially tough to detect if you are used to being in a stressed state for a considerable amount of time. 

For people with chronic stress, it is very difficult to determine when your stress is a problem, and when it is something you might be actually seeking out. 

Here are some common signs that you might be addicted to stress.

Never Having Any Free Time

Woman smiling at mobile phone screen

To start with, if you feel like you never have free time, you might be addicted to stress.

Even people who are incredibly busy most of the time and do have a busy schedule, still have at least a little free time. 

If you have absolutely no free time seven days a week, it is more likely that you are seeking out more things to fill your schedule. 

Constantly Packing Your Schedule

woman in phone conversation

In the same way, you might be constantly looking for more to fill your schedule with. Maybe you notice that when you have a day off over the weekend, you almost always look for more stuff to do.

You might offer to help others, maybe you’ve added on more to the tasks you are already working on or you might be even trying to learn something new.

Don’t get it twisted, I’m all for self-improvement. There is nothing wrong with working hard and getting ahead in your life.

At the same time, there is something wrong with feeling like you have to, by any means necessary. This is a big sign that you could be addicted to the stress and overwhelm that a busy life brings you. 

Being Bored When You Have Nothing To Do

woman bored sitting at computer looking outside

For those rare occasions when you have nothing to do and no plans, are you bored? Do you struggle with what to do with your time?

Instead of taking some ‘me time’ do you feel uneasy when you have free time? This could be another sign of being addicted to stress.

Feeling More Accomplished When You Are Busier

woman working at overwhelmingly cluttered desk

You might be someone who feels more accomplished the busier you are.

Maybe you think that somehow lack of sleep and 80-hour work weeks and never having time for your friends and family just means you are working harder than them. You may feel that you’re dreaming big, and being more accomplished.

This is definitely not a healthy attitude to have. As a human being, you need rest. Both for your mind and your body thrive when you get an adequate amount of rest.

Being Used To The Feeling Of Overwhelm

woman on bed with book in hand viewing laptop screen

This is a sign that doesn’t seem like a problem but can be one of the worst of them all. If you spend so much of your time stressed out and overwhelmed, you might not even realize the stress anymore. 

You get so used to it, that you become accustomed to that feeling of unease. You have adapted to the mental and physical signs of stress without being aware of it.

This is likely from your addiction to these stressful situations. As not only are you continuing to add more to your schedule, but you aren’t doing anything about the stress you are already living with.

This kind of stress is no joke and it can cause you to flat line.

How To Overcome Your Stress Addiction

candle towel flowers spa setting

If any of this sounds like you, now is a good time to handle your stress addiction.

You first need to come to terms with the fact that you are dealing with chronic stress and that you might be constantly seeking it out. 

You need to understand that everyone needs a break and that stress is common, but not normal.

The next steps include working to reduce your stress in simple ways. This can be something as small as saying no to one thing this week. Whether it’s additional work on your plate or request from friends or family.

Make Time For Yourself

woman relaxing in hammock

Another way to overcome your stress addiction is to change your mindset and make time for yourself.

Cut yourself some slack, take some time off from doing and achieving everything…. destress and just be. 

You can start with at least a few hours a week of free time, then work up to a day and then an entire weekend. Then eventually a work-free vacation so that you can relax, renew and rejuvenate.

Find Some Time To Exercise

This video by LivingHealthyChicago is added to help motivate you to get rid of your excuses, carve out some time and start to include exercise in your daily life.

Lack of exercise does have a negative effect on your well being.  The fact is, exercise is a natural stress reliever.

When you exercise it produces endorphins. These are natural chemicals in the body that are released during exercise. 

The main function of endorphins to block the transmission of pain and may also produce a feeling of euphoria – a feeling of excitement and happiness.  

Ensure That You Are Getting Enough Sleep

woman sleeping

If you don’t get enough sleep your body will start to show signs associated with stress and overwhelm. 

Not only that, but it can affect your immune system. Once your immune system is compromised you leave yourself wide open for attacks from all types of sickness and diseases.

If you make small changes, and you will notice the difference very quickly and over time it gets progressively better.

Are you addicted to stress? How do you handle this type of addiction

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