Did you know that affirmations for stress can help to relieve stressful thoughts and situations?

Because of our busy face paced lives stress always find a way to barge in. The pressure of challenges, responsibilities and anxieties can take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being.

When you are trying to reduce stress and anxiety, there are many methods you might want to try out.

This includes having healthier habits, eating right, exercising, finding out what triggers your stress or what your stressors are.

On top of that, in the midst of all the chaos, there’s something that can help to combat stress and offer solace and relief; affirmations.

What Are Positive Affirmations For Stress And Depression?

woman sitting in meditating position

 Affirmations are hard-hitting, positive words or phrases that you embrace and repeat to yourself on a daily basis to inspire and motivate you.

They have the ability to reframe your negative thoughts, calm your minds, and nurture your soul in particularly challenging times.

And, they also boost your mood and help to reduce stress and maintain positivity throughout your life.

Why Use Affirmations?

calm woman with eyes closed

Many people turn to these powerful statements as a way to change negative thought patterns, boost their confidence, and promote a sense of calm.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, affirmations for stress can offer a welcome break. Even if you’re dealing with a challenging work situation or struggling to manage your personal life, incorporating affirmations into your daily routine can make all the difference.

When you focus on positive words and phrases, you’ll be able to shift your mindset and improve your overall wellbeing. So why use affirmations?

The answer is simple: they work. Try incorporating these simple statements into your daily routine and start experiencing the benefits for yourself.

The Benefits Of Using Affirmations For Stress

Affirmations offer a multitude of benefits when it comes to managing stress and promoting your overall well-being. When you experience stress, your mind often become consumed by negative thoughts and worries.

Affirmations help to cancel out this negativity by introducing positive and uplifting statements that shift your focus towards your self-empowerment and resilience.

When you regularly repeat affirmations, you’re training your mind to embrace a more optimistic perspectives, fostering a sense of calm and clarityin the middle of stressful situations.

Here’s the thing, affirmations serve as gentle reminders of your inner strength and ability to overcome challenges. They tend to boost your self-confidence and belief in yourself, which in turn provides the necessary motivation to navigate through stressful times.

Here are some other benefits:

1. Helps To Manage Specific Stressful Situations 

stressed woman holding both temples with hands

If your stress isn’t just generalized, chronic stress, but from specific things in your life, you need a good way to deal with it.

Start by managing these stressful situations with affirmations. You will choose positive statements that allow you to understand that you can deal with the situation without letting it get to you.

2. You Get More Confidence In Moving Forward

I’m sure you’ll agree that everyone needs a little more confidence at some point, especially people who are dealing with large amounts of stress.

Stress can have a snowball effect on your life. It starts to make you feel worse, not just in your situation, but on top of that -about yourself.

You might need a little boost of confidence in order to regain your life after something traumatic or life-changing has happened.

3. Puts You In A Calm State 

woman with arms outstretched calm and happy

 Many affirmations specifically for stress are created to make you relax and put you into a calm and peaceful state.

These are the ones that you should use when you need to calm down from a mental meltdown, anxiety or panic attack related to your stress.

In addition, don’t forget that all affirmations promote positive thinking. This might not seem like a big deal, but if you are someone with a lot of stress and anxiety, it is an amazing added benefit.

How to Use Affirmations For Stress

Affirmations are really easy to use. There is a wide variety of options available to you.

How you use them will depend on your lifestyle, habits, and when you need them the most. 

Some ideas include:

1. Writing Them Down In A Journal Or Planner

A super-easy way to use affirmations each day is by writing them down in your journal or planner.

This is a great way to remember them or when you just want a convenient place for recording different ones you have come up with.

You can have one section dedicated to your affirmations, or write down a different one for each day’s journal entry. It all depends on what you really need to work on that day.

Sometimes the environment you are in might not be as quiet as you would like it to be but be in a calm state so that you can focus while journaling.

2. Using Different Ones Each Day 

confident positive smiling woman

You can definitely switch things up a bit. Choosing to include mantras in the mix of things is also a good option.

If you prefer that or want a change to that having the standards that you write and repeat to yourself as needed. 

Sometimes, the stress in your life is about a specific issue, so then you might need different types of affirmations and mantras to get you into that calm state that you need.

3. Having Your Go-To Affirmations In A Convenient Place

 Another way that you can use them, especially if you have a handful of mantras that really help you each day, is to put them in a place where you will see them regularly.

This might be on the refrigerator door, inside a cabinet you open every day, or on your bathroom mirror – you get the idea.

You can also choose other ways to use affirmations based on your lifestyle.

These strategies include but not limited to, having some of those affirmations incorporated during your daily prayer or meditation and mindful practice. They could even be used during your self-care routines.

Guidelines For Choosing The Best Affirmations For Stress

Not sure how to choose your affirmations? There are a few guidelines that can help you choose the right ones. 

How does it make you feel? When looking through affirmations, consider how it makes you feel. Not just while reading it, but when you say it out loud.

Are you relaxed and calm? Do you feel positive? Or did it increase your stress, causing you to focus on it more?

What are you using the affirmation for? Another guideline is deciding what the affirmation will be used for.

For example, a mantra that is used daily, that you put on your bathroom mirror is often different than a specific affirmation you write down in your journal.

Is it calming and positive? You really want your stress-related affirmations to be calming, relaxing, and positive.

Stress-Relieving Affirmations

You can write your own affirmations that relate specifically to your situation.

Find a quiet area where you can focus. Look at the negative thoughts you have about yourself or your current situation and flip the script.

This can be done by writing affirmations that are the opposite of those gloomy thoughts or circumstances you are feeling or facing.

When writing these affirmations, write in such a way that they are easy to remember.

Word these affirmations in such a way, as if you already have what you want or being what you want to be or achieve.

Here are some stress-relieving affirmations in text as well as a youtube video (by Jason Stephenson) you can start with.

These give you a good idea of what your statements might be like. You can either choose from this list  or the video or you can create your very own:

  • I am at peace.
  • I am calm today.
  • This is temporary. 
  • My body is at peace.
  • I feel loved and complete.
  • Today, I will let go of my worries.
  • I am able to release stress and tension from my body.
  • Exhaling allows me to release stress.

Conclusion On Affirmations For Stress

In times of stress, take a moment to pause, breathe, and repeat your chosen affirmations. Allow the words to sink in, embracing the positive energy they offer.

Emphasize self-compassion and patience as you navigate through challenging situations.

Remember, stress is a natural part of life, but by harnessing the power of affirmations, you can cultivate a resilient mindset that empowers you to face any adversity with grace and strength.

How has affirmations helped you when you’re going through challenging and stressful situations? What are some of the affirmations that you use? Comment below!

Disclaimer: The information provided through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your Medical Provider or Mental health Provider.  I am not a doctor, nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, therapist or licensed nutritionist. Always seek the advice of your Medical Provider or Mental Health Professional with any questions or concerns you may have about your health, medications, herbs or supplements you are currently using before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our website.