When it comes to holding onto things, we can be our own worst enemies. But using affirmations for letting go can be a game-changer.
As far as letting go is concerned, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. You might think that it means giving up on something, or that you’re weak if you can’t handle it yourself. But the truth is, letting go is a very powerful thing.
There are times in your life when you have to let go of things that you’re holding on to, whether they’re negative emotions, relationships, or your belongings.
And it can be hard. It’s scary to let go and face the unknown, but sometimes it’s the best thing for you.
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Why Is It So Difficult To Let Go?
But why is it so hard to let go? Sometimes it’s because you’re afraid of change or maybe it’s because you’re scared of being alone.
And, sometimes it’s because you’re fearful of the uncertainties. But whatever the reason, clinging to things that aren’t good for you only keeps you stuck in a negative cycle and prevents you from moving forward.
The truth is, letting go is often the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. When you release your hold on the past, you open yourself up to new possibilities.
When you leave toxic relationships, you make room for healthier ones; and when you stop holding on to grudges, you free yourself from bitterness and resentment.
How To Let Go

If you find it hard to let go, maybe it’s because you might not want to hurt the other person’s feelings or you might think that the past is all you have left.
Whatever the reason, it’s usually a sign that there’s something unresolved in your life. If you’re finding it hard to let go of someone or something, here are a few things that might help:
1. Acknowledge Your Feelings
The first step is to acknowledge how you’re feeling. It’s normal to feel sad, scared, or angry when you’re facing change.
Once you know what you’re feeling, it will be easier to deal with those emotions.
2. Reach Out For Support
If you’re struggling with letting go, talk to somebody about it can be really helpful. Sharing your feelings can help you understand them better and make them more manageable.
There are lots of people who can offer support, whether it’s friends, family, or a professional counselor. Sometimes it can be helpful to write down how you’re feeling too.
3. Make A Plan

Making a plan can help you feel more in control of the situation. Decide what you need to do and when you’re going to do it.
This could involve letting go of someone gradually, or making a clean break. Focusing on positive things in the future can help you through the tough times. Make plans for when you’ll feel better, and look forward to those moments.
4. Take Things One Day At A Time
Focusing on the present moment can help you not get overwhelmed by what’s ahead.
Breaking the task down into smaller steps can also make it feel less daunting.
5. Be Kind To Yourself
Giving yourself time and space to grieve is important. Be patient with yourself and cut yourself some slack.
Allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling, and know that it’s okay to not be okay for a while.
6. Lean on your faith
If you have a religious or spiritual belief system, lean on that for strength and comfort.
Prayer, meditation, or reading religious texts can help you find peace during difficult times.
How To Use Affirmations For Letting Go

One of the best things about using positive affirmations is that they don’t require any special equipment or training, all you need is a willingness to repeat them daily.
These mantras can help you to release your hold on negative thoughts and emotions and propel you into a more positive mindset.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Hurt

It’s not always easy to let go of hurt, but it’s important to. Otherwise, you’ll only end up causing yourself more pain in the long run.
Not letting go of hurt and pain, only serves to pollute your heart and mind, preventing you from experiencing true happiness.
Besides, by holding onto hurt, you’re actually doing more harm to yourself than the person who inflicted it upon you.
So the next time someone hurts you, don’t hold onto that pain. Instead, let it go and focus on enjoying your life by using these affirmations.
- I am releasing all hurt, anger, and resentment I have been holding onto.
- I choose to let go of my grudges and bitterness.
- I let go of the hurt I feel, and I am capable of moving on.
- I am strong enough to heal from this hurt, and I will move on feeling better and stronger.
- I release the hurt I’m holding onto, and I allow myself to heal.
- I am open to healing, and I will let go of this hurt.
- It’s safe for me to forgive and move on.
- By forgiving, I am setting myself free.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Fear

Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience at some point in our lives. It can be helpful in certain situations, such as when we need to be alert and cautious.
On the flip side, fear can also be harmful if it stops you from doing things you want or need to do. There are many ways to let go of fear.
You might find it helpful to talk about your fears with someone else. Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help you keep calm during those fearful times.
And, affirmations are also a great way to let go you your fear. Here are some to get you started:
9. I am courageous.
10. I am fearless.
11. I release any fears or doubts that are holding me back from living my best life.
12. I am confident.
13. I can do anything I set my mind to.
14. I am strong.
15. I am powerful.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Stress And Worry

There are a few things you can do to help release stress and worry. One is to practice deep breathing. When you feel yourself tense up, take a few deep breaths and focus on releasing your breath slowly.
Try to keep your worries in perspective. Remind yourself that most things are out of your control anyway and that worrying won’t do anything to change the outcome.
To help you gradually release stress and worry, repeat affirmations. Use these to help you get started:
Related: Simple ways to de-stress
16. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
17. I release my stress and worry.
18. I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.
19. I am strong and capable, and can handle anything that comes my way.
20. I am safe and secure, surrounded by love and support.
21. I am confident and self-assured, knowing that I can handle whatever comes my way.
22. I am calm and relaxed, feeling secure and safe.
23. I am grateful for all the good in my life, no matter what is happening right now.
24. I know that everything is working out for my highest good.
25. I know that God supports me, and I trust in the divine timing of my life.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of The Past

It can be tough to let go of the past. But sometimes, clinging to the past can keep you from living in the present.
If you’re constantly thinking about things that happened in the past, you’re not going to have time to enjoy the present.
Holding onto old grudges or resentments doesn’t do anything but harm yourself. It’s important to forgive yourself and others if you want to live a happy life. Letting go of the past is also a necessary step on the path to moving on from a traumatic experience.
When you let go of your grudges, you free yourself from bitterness and resentment. Here’s how you can get started:
26. I am letting go of the past.
27. I forgive myself for any pain I may have caused myself.
28. I release all resentment and regret.
29. I am open to new beginnings.
30. I let go of the past and move forward into the future.
31. I let go of all the pain and hurt from the past.
32. I am grateful for all the good in my life.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Someone

What does it mean to let go of someone? It can mean different things to different people, but in general, it means accepting that a relationship is over and moving on.
This can be difficult, but it’s often necessary for both parties to move on with their lives. Try to focus on positive things in your life, such as your friends, hobbies, and activities that make you happy.
Or, you can repeat some of these mantras below on a daily basis to help you cut loose the shackles, and keep moving forward.
33. I am safe, whole, and complete by myself.
34. I am letting go of the need for that other person in my life.
35. I release all expectations of how our relationship should have been.
36. I choose to forgive myself and them for any pain we caused each other.
37. I am grateful for what we did have together and the lessons I’ve learned.
38. I now move forward in my life, release them with love, and let go.
39. I no longer need validation from others to feel good about myself.
40. I love and accept myself unconditionally.
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Control

This is easier said than done. Control may be your source of comfort and security. But in order to grow, you must let go of control and trust that God will support you.
You can do this by developing a practice of mindfulness and self-compassion. When you’re mindful, you’re aware of our thoughts and feelings without judging them.
This allows you to accept yourself just as you are. When you’re compassionate, you extend kindness and understanding to yourself and others , even when you make mistakes.
Repeat these mantras often to help you get over the hurdle of control.
41. I am letting go of control.
42. I am surrendering to what is.
43. I am open to what is.
44. I am at peace with what is.
45. I trust the process of life.
46. I am safe.
47. I release my need to control everything.
48. Everything is working out for my highest good.
49. I am ready to embrace all that life has to offer.
Conclusion On Affirmations For Letting Go
Letting go doesn’t mean giving up; it means moving on. It means freeing yourself from the things that are holding you back and can affect your physical and mental health.
It means accepting that things happen for a reason and that sometimes you have to let go in order to find what you’re looking for so that you can have a forward-moving energetic life.
Repeating positive affirmations can help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions that are holding you back. The act of repeating these statements helps to rewire your brain, making it easier for you to let go of the negativity and move on.
If you’re struggling with letting go of a past hurt or trauma, we encourage you to try using affirmations as part of your self-care routine.
Why not give yourself permission to let go of what’s no longer serving you? Have you used affirmations to help you let go? Comment Below!