Fact is Vinegar has been around for centuries. It’s versatile and has a wide range of uses.
Vinegar is made from different products that contain ethanol alcohol such as wine, beer and even rice.
The ethanol in these products is broken down by bacteria and the spin-off is that even more products are formed. This includes acetic acid ( the main component of vinegar) as well as other minerals.
Besides using it in your meal preparation there are so many other ways that you can use vinegar in your home.
Vinegar can step up to the plate and act as deputy for many of those toxic products you use on a regular basis. This ranges from personal care to the household in general.
This versatile vinegar is definitely a keeper. It will be one of those items that you reach for again and again and will enjoy all the benefits that comes from using it.
If you are not keen on using irritants and toxic products, then try some of these brilliant and ridiculously easy ways to use vinegar without worrying about pesky chemicals.
Cleaning Fruits And Vegetables

I know that you would love to have everything that you eat to measure up to organic standards but that is not always possible.
Fruits and vegetables are some of the things that we consume every day and even though you would like to have them free of pesticides at all times that can be an uphill battle.
To help remove pesticides and bacteria from fruits and vegetables: In a bowl, mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water. You can also add a tablespoon of baking soda or salt which is optional.
Be sure to add enough of the vinegar and water mix to cover the fruits and vegetables.
Place the fruits and vegetables in the water and vinegar mix. Let sit for 30- 45 minutes. Then remove them from this mixture and rinse with fresh water and enjoy.
Cleaning Iron

If your iron is not cooperating and spitting out white residue or nasty brown water all over your clothes while ironing, there could be an issue with the ducts being clogged.
Unplug your iron and let it cool. If there is any residue that is visible, remove it with a toothpick or cotton swab.
Then, to correct the issue mix one part white vinegar with three parts of water . Pour this mixture into the iron’s reservoir until it gets to the three-quarter mark.
Then plug in the iron and keep it on. Set it on the steam thermostat. Keep pressing the steam button constantly and let the vinegar mix use its muscles to do the heavy lifting.
You will know that the issue has been resolved when the steam flows freely. You can now unplug your iron and get rid of the vinegar mix.
After all of that, you will then need to rinse your iron’s reservoir by filling it with some fresh water.
Again put it on the steam thermostat and constantly press the steam button again for about a minute.
There you have it, Problem taken care of. Proceed with your ironing.
Restoring Leather Shoes

Leather shoes are a great staple for any wardrobe. It oozes quality, high-end and classiness. A shoe that is leather means that it’s stronger and that you will wear it till the heels fall off because it will last for years.
It can stand up to the demand of everyday use. But like everything else you need to maintain it, so that it will give you optimum performance both in the way it looks as well as shoe duties.
If you have been delinquent and have not been taking care of your leather shoes, you can restore them and completely bring them back to life.
In a spray bottle, add a cup of water. Then add quarter cup of vinegar and shake well.
Spritz some of this vinegar mixture onto a soft cloth until it is damp. Then gently clean the shoe removing dirt and other residue to restore it to its glory days.
Glass Cleaner

Whenever any type of glass is clean it tends to give off a bright and lustrous look. Wherever you have glass furniture or mirrors or windows in your home that needs cleaning, you really don’t need conventional glass cleaners at all to get the job done.
You can make your very own glass cleaner for a fraction of the cost. In a spray bottle add one part white vinegar to two parts water.
To mix things up a bit, you can add a little bit of fragrance by adding a little lemon juice or about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil to your vinegar mixture.
Then Just spray it on the glass surface like you normally would for any glass cleaner. Use a soft cloth or napkin to clean for a luxurious shine.
You will save money and you will not have to inhale conventional glass cleaners containing chemicals.
Weed Killer

If you want nothing to do with toxic chemicals for handling tasks associated with gardening then vinegar is a great substitute .
When weeds or grass starts poking themselves out and growing in areas where they are not welcome, there is an easy line of attack for this problem.
Pour some white vinegar in spray bottle. Spray it on these annoying weeds soaking them completely.
Pay special attention to the roots to make sure that they are properly saturated with this stuff .
The next day, the grass or weed should start to wither. It will gradually start turning brown after a couple of days and can then be easily removed.
Keyboard Cleaner

The computer has become an integral part of our world. The keyboard is an essential component of your computer system. If you want to extend the life of your keyboard it is important to keep it clean.
I doubt you will always adhere to the guidelines not eat or drink near your computer while using it. Water and food can spill on your keyboard and totally wreck it. Also be aware that gunk and debris will build up over time.
You should clean your keyboard on a regular basis. This helps to prevent build-up of all types of bacteria, dirt and grime.
To clean your keyboard, turn off the power on your computer. Then lightly dampen a soft cloth with white vinegar.
Use this damp cloth to clean your keyboard. You might need to use some elbow grease by spending a little more time on areas that have a bit more grime. This should remove the build-up leaving you with a clean keyboard.
Dishwasher Cleaner

The dishwasher is one of the hardest working helper in the kitchen. That being the case, it requires maintenance so that it can carry out its duties.
A great way to clean it from funky smell and hard water build-up is to fill your soap dispenser with white vinegar. You can then remove the basket and set it to pots and pans mode.
Give it some time and allow the vinegar to do the trick. Let it to run for one cycle. After that one cycle you will end up with a perfectly clean dishwasher.
Clogged Faucet

If your faucet seem confused and is not sure where to squirt water anymore, it could be clogged with buildup and debris.
To get this problem rectified, depending on the size of the opening of your faucet, get a cotton ball or two. Then soak these in some white vinegar for a few seconds until they are saturated.
Then seal off the tip of the faucet with these soaked cotton balls . If you need to, hold them in place with a rubber band for 15 – 20 minutes.
Afterward, twist the soaked cotton balls around inside the opening of the faucet for a few more minutes.
This will eject all that uncooperative build up. Turn the hot water on and let it run for a few minutes to complete the task. Your faucet should be squirting water in harmony.
Clarify Hair

Vinegar is right up there and can ace any one of those pricey hair clarifiers on the market. First of all it is safe and you know exactly what is going into your hair. It is also very cost-effective.
At some point you want to get your hair in certain hairstyles because of course you want to look chic.
You might even want to try out a particular trend. This might require that you use a number of products in your hair to get the desired look.
There can also be build-up from your regular hair care routine when you are constantly adding oils, leave-in conditioners and other styling products to your hair.
This vinegar mix is great for removing all the gunk and build-up from your hair.
You can make your very own hair clarifier. In a spray bottle, mix one-part apple cider vinegar to two parts water and shake well. Then spray the vinegar mix onto your hair saturating it .
Let it sit for fifteen minutes to half an hour. Then proceed to wash your hair as you usually would. You can also use it as a rinse after you have finished washing your hair.
Be mindful, it doesn’t smell very pleasant but you will love the results. Don’t let it get into the eye – it will sting.
Laundry Booster

If you would like to give your laundry a boost but not sure what avenue to take , then give vinegar a try.
Yes, it is safe to use vinegar to help remove odors from sweaty clothes. It will also help to brighten your clothes, keep them soft and static free as well as to prevent color fading.
To do this, add one cup of white vinegar directly in the washer to your wash cycle and carry on as normal.
Another option is to add one cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. You will be absolutely pleased with the results.
Shower Cleaner

If you would like to get your shower clean without gagging and coughing from the scent and fumes associated with using the conventional cleaners on the market, then it’s time to move in on vinegar.
Vinegar can help to get rid of soap scum on the tiles in your shower like nobody’s business.
It also does a good job of cleaning counter tops. In a spray bottle combine one part white vinegar and one part water and spray the shower tiles.
Ensure that you pay special attention to the areas where there is soap scum build-up by spraying those areas generously.
Let sit for half an hour. Then use a soft cloth to clean as you normally would. You will feel satisfied that you have a clean shower without the effects of harsh chemicals.
What are some of the ways you use vinegar in your household and personal care?