In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often get so distracted to the extent that some things that are just as important as major tasks get sidelined and are left on the back burner. I know…I’m guilty as charged.
Sometimes you spread yourself so thin there is no time to take care of you….I mean, really take care of you from the inside out.
These super simple tips can be easily incorporated and some of them just require simple tweaks to your everyday life.
You can start with one or two and then gradually incorporate the others. There is no doubt that you will feel better and look better.
Eat Slower

Studies have shown that when you eat slower you lose weight as well as it helps the digestive system to function so much better.
With everything being so fast-paced these days we tend to grab and eat our meals on the go. Take your time to chew your food properly.
If you do this consistently, it will become a habit and over time you won’t even have to think about it, because it becomes natural for you to eat slower. So no chomping down your food, savor the flavors….take it slow.
Eighty Percent Full

In today’s world food is in abundance almost everywhere. Because we have the ‘all you can eat buffet’ as well as other restaurants offering specials, we tend to eat with our eyes instead of our stomach.
So, we get carried away with the amount of food we eat but really, you can only eat so much and no more.
Think of your food as ‘medicine for the body and the healing it provides. A good habit to cultivate is to eat only until you are 80% full.
Leaving some food on your plate means that you are taking in fewer calories and believe me, these do add up!
5-9 Servings of Fruits and Veggies

There are 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables required in your diet on a daily basis.
You might be wondering how on earth you are going to be able to fit all these servings of fruits and vegetables into your day and it might seem daunting but it isn’t hard at all.
Try getting it in as early as possible, like at the start of your day. Do not stick to just a few types of fruits and vegetables but choose a variety of various colors to include in your diet every day.
For Breakfast, you can get your first serving or two or even three in the form of smoothies. Or use them in wraps as well as your snacks throughout the day. There are no hard or fast rules here so work your magic and get them into your daily diet.
A good guide to use as one serving is one (1) cup of fruits or vegetables. So fit those fruits and veggies in throughout the day.
Eat Smarter Carbohydrates

If your diet consists of a lot of processed carbohydrates like breads, pastas, and white rice it would be an excellent idea to swap out those carbs with less processed, minimally processed or zero processed carbs.
Whole foods, that is, foods with only one ingredient, when incorporated in your diet can help in weight loss. Remember you don’t have to eat boring meals- switch it up!
Healthy Fats

Fats get such a raw deal sometimes but use healthy fats in your diet and you can actually lose weight. It also helps to take care of your heart’s health. Eating healthy fats does speed up the fat loss process.
Some super healthy fats are avocados, coconut oil, pistachios, almonds, and olive oil. This list is by no means exhausted. Go get you some of these healthy fats and add them in the mix of things.
Move your Body

Part of maintaining your body or getting in shape is to get in some type of exercise, at least 20-30 minutes every day.
A gym membership is not necessary for this at all. There are a myriad of exercises that you can access online and can be performed at home, for free! It just takes discipline and determination.
It could be in the form of yoga, running, walking, kickboxing, Zumba, dancing, just about any type of exercise that you can do.
You can try different types to see what works for you and just challenge yourself, commit and watch your body change.
Of course, you need to consult your doctor first for clearance especially if you have a medical condition.

The main thing that leads to sickness and diseases and destroys your overall health is stress.
Learn how to de-stress. Whatever activity works for you – indulge yourself and find an outlet to relieve your stress. Whether meditation, prayer, exercise, dancing or even a massage.
It doesn’t matter if you follow all the rules, know this, if you are stressed then there will be no progress at all. Let rest and recover be your motto when you are stressed.
Keep a Journal

There are lots of benefits to keeping a journal. If you are aware of what you are doing, the more likely you are to change because you are plugged in to what is actually happening.
Writing about your experiences helps you to process and allows you to see things from a different angle that was not obvious at first glance.
There are mental and emotional benefits of journaling. It can be mentally and emotionally freeing and helps to release some of the daily stresses of life.
Not only does it make you feel good, but a journal can also help to keep you on track and in a sense hold you accountable.
Intermittent Fasting

Research has shown that fewer calories consumed in a smaller window will not only lead to weight loss but also living longer and healthier. Intermittent fasting is very popular right now.
In a nutshell, intermittent fasting is really time-restricted eating.
During intermittent fasting, you are not really eating less food per se but it’s just that you are eating your meals in a smaller window. This leaves a longer time frame in which you are not eating.
So instead of having breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you would skip a meal. Let’s say you skip breakfast, then you would just have the lunch and dinner window to eat your meals.
You wouldn’t have those extra hours when you are eating( because you skipped breakfast). You would, therefore, give your body more time to digest, rest and heal.
Adequate Rest

Of course, some of us would love to sleep all day, every day but life happens and we have to keep it moving.
Studies have shown that if you get an adequate amount of sleep you can lose weight without making any other changes to your diet.
It’s not uncommon for someone to lose 3-5 pounds over a week or two after getting adequate sleep nightly. So be sure not to miss out on your shut-eye.
What steps are you taking to get in shape?