In this post: Struggling to grow spiritually? Try these 4 steps to spiritual growth, apply them to your life to get you started on your spiritual journey plus tips to help you to stay the course of continued spiritual growth.
The afternoon air was sizzling and felt like an oven, I squinted against the sun and removed my blazer. I had just got off work and stepped out the office door, on my way to classes where I was learning a second language.
We all gathered outside the classrooms waiting for the previous class to exit the room. While standing there, a seemingly never-ending feeling of emptiness on the inside enveloped me. I tried to shake it off but it mushroomed and hovered in my being.
Crossing my arms and tilting my head to the side, I let out a sharp breath “I have a good job. I have a great family and we have a nice house. I am happy with my life.
“Why do I feel like something is missing in my life when I have everything I need? What is my problem? I can’t quite put a finger on it.
After days of feeling jittery and thoughts flitting from one thing to another, the longing, the desire for more came down to one thing.
My connection with God was sorely lacking. With marked determination, I decided to put these unsettling feelings to rest and start on my journey to spiritual growth.
Table of Contents
Small Steps At A Time

We all have the ability to grow spiritually, but it doesn’t happen automatically. In order to grow spiritually, you must first be aware of what it means to be spiritual.
It requires effort, openness, and a desire to change. What matters most is that you’re open to the process and willing to put in the work.
It’s also important to be patient with yourself and to remember that spiritual growth has its ups and downs.
There will be times when you feel like you’re making progress and other times when you feel stuck. Just keep moving forward, even if it’s just a small step at a time. Trust that the journey is worth it.
But What Is Spiritual Growth?

Spiritual growth is the process of expanding your awareness, and knowledge and involves gaining a deeper understanding of religious or spiritual teachings.
And, it also includes developing a more personal relationship with a higher power or spiritual force which I call God.
It means growing in your ability to love and be compassionate, to see beyond your own limited perspective, and becoming more with something larger than yourself – God or some people might say the Universe.
One of the most important things about spiritual growth is that it must be pursued for the right reasons.
The Benefits Of Spiritual Growth
The benefits of spiritual growth are vast and varied. If you pursue spiritual growth you’ll often experience :
- Improved mental and physical health.
- Greater happiness, and peace of mind.
- Being better able to relate to others and build healthy relationships.
- You’ll also feel a stronger sense of purpose in life.
- Greater self-awareness.
- In addition, spiritual growth can help you develop a more positive outlook on life.
- Helps you to achieve greater success in your life.
Here’s the thing, if you’re spiritually mature then you’re better able to weather the storms of life with grace and peace. It can bring you closer to God and help you find your life’s purpose.
When you dedicate yourself to growing spiritually, you open yourself up to a wealth of new possibilities.
What Are Examples Of Spiritual Growth?

Spiritual growth is an important part of life, but sometimes it’s not easy to know where to start. Here are some examples of spiritual growth to get you started.
1. Prayer
Prayer is a powerful way to connect with the higher power and ask for guidance in your life.
2. Meditation
Meditation is a great way to tune in to your spiritual side. It can help you to focus and connect with God and gives you inner peace.
3. Yoga
Yoga is a great way to connect with your body and find peace in the present moment.
4. Nature walks
Taking a nature walk can be a good way to connect with the natural world and find peace in the beauty of nature.
4. Practice random acts of kindness
Doing good deeds for others is an excellent way to express your spirituality and help others in need.
5. Volunteer
Volunteer for a worthy cause. Giving back to your community is a nice way to express your spirituality and make a difference in the world.
What Are Signs Of Spiritual Growth?

As we journey through life, we all hope to grow and become a better person. But what are the signs that we’re growing spiritually?
Here are some of the most common ones:
1. Starting to care more about others.
2. Becoming more patient and less reactive.
3. Developing a stronger sense of empathy for others.
4. Increasing your tolerance and acceptance of others.
5. Starting to see the good in people more than the bad.
6. Becoming more forgiving and humble.
7. Developing a greater sense of peace and calmness within yourself.
8. Being more grateful for what you have.
9. Starting to see life from a bigger perspective.
10. Seeing yourself becoming more loving and compassionate to others.
Principles Of Spiritual Growth
If you’re looking to grow spiritually, there are some principles of spiritual growth that you can apply to your own life to help you to grow spiritually and help you to stay on track.
Here are a few tips to help you on your journey:
- Be Patient – Growth doesn’t happen overnight and it’s important to be patient with yourself, as you work through your spiritual journey.
- Be Open-minded – Don’t be afraid to explore new spiritual teachings, even if they differ from your current beliefs, in order to disect and learn the truth.
- Forgive – We all make mistakes, and it’s essential that you forgive yourself and others as you work on your spiritual growth.
- Be compassionate – Remember that everyone is on their own journey. Try to be understanding and compassionate towards others, even if they don’t share your beliefs.
- Persistence – Don’t give up when things get rough. Keep working at your spiritual growth, and you’ll eventually see the results you’re looking for.
What Are The 4 Steps To Spiritual Growth?

Spiritual growth is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging when trying to strengthen it. It requires time, effort, and commitment.
There are no shortcuts or easy paths to follow; only through hard work and dedication you can hope to experience true spiritual growth.
Here are the four (4) steps to spiritual growth.
1. Make Time For Prayer And Meditation
In a world where time is increasingly precious, it can be difficult to find time for prayer.
However, prayer is one of the most important things you can do to connect with God and strengthen your spiritual growth.
When you pray and meditate, it allows you to communicate with God, express your thanksgiving and requests, and align your will with His.
Prayer is also a powerful tool for healing, change and mental strength. When you pray for yourself and others, you open yourself up to God and help to bring about change your lives.
Praying and meditating can help to still your mind and promote inner peace. They can also change your own heart and mind, helping you to become a more compassionate and loving person.
2. Read Scriptures And Other Religious Texts

There are many reasons why you should read the scriptures or other religious texts preferably every day .
The scriptures contain teachings and examples of how to live and improve your life.
They can help you to make better decisions and to become a better person.
Another reason why you should read the scriptures every day is that they can give you strength in times of difficulty.
The texts contain stories of people who have faced challenges and trials. By reading about these people, you too can learn and be inspired to find strength in times of difficulty.
Finally, by reading them, you can learn more about God and can help to foster a closer relationship with Him.
3. Spend Time Around People Who Share Your Values

When it comes to our personal lives, we all crave connection. You want to feel like you belong.
Find a church or religious community that resonates with you. This process can be challenging, but it is also rewarding.
This can help you connect with like-minded people and deepen your spiritual connection. Spending time around people who share your spiritual values can be incredibly fulfilling.
This might come in the form of spending time with family and friends or other believers who will help encourage you on your journey.
It can provide a sense of community and support that’s hard to find elsewhere. This can help you to develop a stronger connection with your faith.
They can offer advice and wisdom when you need it most. You may be surprised at how much you gain from these relationships. This will help you stay motivated and inspired in your spiritual growth.
4. Be Patient With Yourself

If you’re ready to start your own journey of spiritual growth, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
In order to grow spiritually, you must be willing to change. This means changing your thoughts, your behaviors, and your attitude. Be willing to let go of old beliefs and practices that no longer serve you.
First, be patient with yourself because it takes time and practice to learn new techniques and to change your habits.
So don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results; be persistent and keep working on yourself.
It’s also important in your spiritual growth to develop a personal practice. This means finding a way to connect with the divine on a daily basis.
Create a routine and dedicate time each day to your spiritual practice. Here’s the thing, everyone grows at their own pace, what works for one person may not work for another.
So don’t compare yourself to others or try to imitate their path. Find what works best for you and stick with it.
Conclusion On 4 Steps To Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is a life-long process and is often marked by setbacks, challenges, and moments of intense growth.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s important to give yourself time to adjust to new beliefs or practices. Also, allow yourself to be open to new ideas and perspectives.
You’ll need to nurture it every.That being the case, dedicate some time each day to read spiritual text, reflection or meditation because this is a critcal part of spiritual growth.
And, if you’re dedicated to the journey, spiritual growth can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
We hope we provided you with some useful tips for growing spiritually. What steps are you exploring as you move forward on your own path to spiritual growth? Comment below!