”Excuse me, would you like some help to take your groceries to your car? ” I asked an elderly lady as I saw her struggling with her groceries. ”I’d really like that” she said. There are endless ways to show kindness to others every day.
Being kind doesn’t have to be an elaborate act and it doesn’t have to cost you anything. A small gesture is all it takes and that goes a long way in developing a heart of selflessness.
What is Kindness

If you’re going to show kindness, first of all, you have to know what it means. To be kind is choosing to be thoughtful, considerate, polite and sympathetic towards other peoples needs. It’s not complicated at all.
You don’t need to torture yourself to show kindness and you don’t even need to do anything extravagant or grandiose. The only requirement is that these actions must come from your heart and with humility. It’s the simple acts.
The Importance Of Kindness

Nowadays, kindness is scarce. People are glued to their electronic devices and have become self-centered.
They have slowly turned to being insensitive to what is happening around them. But without kindness, our communities will break down and fall apart.
The truth is, kindness is important because it impacts your life as well as the life of others in a positive way. It improves your level of wellbeing. This makes you feel happy because you’ve done something selfless for someone else.
When you’re kind to others they, in turn, will appreciate it and you would have done your part to improve their chance of having a good day. It will be a mirror of your day as well.
It’s so easy to develop a habit of kindness. You’ll help to heal and change the world, one act of kindness at a time.
Get in the habit of showing kindness to others with these tips that you can incorporate if not on a daily basis then make it on a regular basis.
1. Smile

Giving a smile is priceless. The thing is, your smile is contagious. When you make eye contact and genuinely smile at someone, it instantly makes them feel more comfortable.
Right away they respond by smiling back at you. In this way, you’re making connections. Your smile could be just what someone needs to pick them up out of gloom, sadness and despair.
According to studies the act of smiling sparks neural messaging in your brain to release endorphins- the feel-good hormone as well as serotonin. These hormones not only help to boost your mood but also relax and relieve stress on your body as well.
2. Reach Out To Family And Friends

Meaningful connections are very powerful. It’s especially valuable when there is depth and has substance.
Reach out to someone, a family or friend that you haven’t seen for some time. Or if you know someone who is going through a tough time.
Be kind and send a message or you can simply call them. You can also send thank you cards to the people who are part of your life. Those who you appreciate and are grateful for.
No one refuses flowers, so that’s why sending flowers would be a great gesture. Take this window of opportunity, it’s a great chance to check-in and spread some love, kindness and to brighten their day. It will make a difference in someone’s life.
3. Offer Hugs

You can share hugs all around. A simple hug is an effective form of human interaction. It helps to relieve stress and helps you to feel calmer.
Not only does it make you feel good but it provides reassurance and support. It shows that you care. Without even realizing it you could be making someone’s day and changing their life.
Give hugs to your partner, your children, your family members, friends, acquaintances or even random strangers. So many people are hungry for the human touch.
4. Be Present

Don’t get so busy that you are unable to be present for social gatherings. School events for your children are just as important and you should make it a habit to be present.
Take a step back and look at the areas of your life that you need to focus on and make those your priority. Give your time, attention and support to the people that are important in your life.
These are invaluable and are treasures and they will appreciate it more than you know. And when you participate in these kinds of experiences, they will nurture and strengthen your heart and your spirit.
5. Be A Kindness Role Model

Think about all those persons who have been kind to you. Maybe your manager or a teacher? How have they impacted your life?
When you are kindhearted and carry out genuine acts of kindness, not just when you feel like it but consistently you can become a great role model.
Be that role model for your family and friends, co-workers, acquaintances and everyone who comes in contact with you in general.
They would have benefitted from your kindness. So when they see that kindness is really important to you then they will want to mimic your behavior- becoming infectious and inspire more kindness.
6. Give Compliments

When you get a compliment, how does it make you feel? When you say something nice or compliment someone it makes them feel good.
You further boost how extremely valuable they are and helps to foster relationships. When you take advantage of the opportunities to give genuine compliments to someone it can boost their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Look for the good in others. Give compliments generously and naturally, with a warm smile and without expecting anything in return.
Some people might not respond or feel awkward especially if they are not used to it. And that’s ok.
Something to keep in mind is that when you make a compliment, it doesn’t have to be a person’s feature or appearance like their eyes or outfit. When you say something positive you have the ability to make their day better.
It could be someone’s actions or personality. Don’t be shallow be genuine and be honest. Giving compliments are not gems that you should hold on to, let others know about the beautiful qualities you see in them.
7. Give Care Package

You can give a gift of a care package to show kindness. It indicates that you care about the person that you are giving it to.
This package consists of items that are practical and beneficial and hand-picked by the giver. It can be given to a family who is a long way away from home or for someone else in your community who is in need.
When you give a care package it’s to someone in need. It might contain food, clothing or other items it doesn’t have to be expensive stuff.
It could be goodies that are not easily accessible to them. Undoubtedly they will appreciate it because it shows how thoughtful you are and it will bring some sunshine to their day.
8. Pay For Someone’s Lunch

Who wouldn’t accept a ‘free’ lunch? Another way to Be kind to someone is to treat someone to lunch.
Most people would be happy with such a gesture. Maybe a homeless person or someone you know is in need or just at a random person.
If they are embarrassed or think that you might be a weirdo just tell them that you are paying it forward. That will quash any embarrassment or any weird or awkward thoughts that they might have.
9. Volunteer

I know that you are busy and sometimes it can be hard to find time to volunteer. Having said that, the benefits of donating your time can be massive.
Volunteering gives you the golden opportunity to offer essential help to those in need. But it doesn’t stop there, you can also benefit greatly.
You l can offer your time to a shelter. Or an elderly home even any agency that offers help to others and that can gain from your assistance.
It can help you to meet new people, make connections and form bonds with others. Not only that, but it will also make you feel happier because you are giving and that will bring fulfillment to your life.
You’ll get to see first hand the unfortunate situations others are going through. It will allow you to show more gratitude for the life that you have. It doesn’t have to take a great deal of your time.
10. Give Up Your Seat On Public Transportation

We’ve all been on a crowded bus or a train during rush hour. It’s no joke. It’s packed to its maximum capacity, and standing room only is available.
Everyone’s engrossed in their own world of activity. Absorbed in a game on your phone, listening to music or a podcast from your headphones. Don’t be self-absorbed but show a kind gesture.
If a pregnant woman, sick person or senior enters in those situations be sensitive and kind to their needs and offer them your seat.
Sometimes you cannot just look at some/ it might not physically visible to see if someone is sick but if they ask you, offer up your seat without any complaints.
11. Run Errands For Seniors

Take some time to check in and run errands for seniors who need your help.
I know that there are companies that operate paid services for running errands. These seniors might not be able to afford it.
So if there is a senior in your community that needs your help, step up and offer your assistance.
Some seniors have limited mobility or live alone. They might not be able to drive anymore or may have trouble maneuvering to get public transportation.
This goes a long way in helping seniors live their life. From going to the drug store and picking up prescriptions, going to purchasing groceries will be readily appreciated by any senior. You will get a deep sense of satisfaction from helping someone who really needs your help.
12. Baby Sit

Parenting can be exhausting. Be generous and offer help if you recognize the need. If you know a friend or family member who is struggling or stressed out in this area. Then strike up a conversation and offer your help to babysit.
Give them a break and help them to reconnect. If possible, make yourself available and allow them some time to get away and have a date night or spend some time with friends and family. Or give them the chance to go out for a few hours to take care of errands.
It will be one of the best gifts you could give. Parents don’t get a lot of downtime. An offer like that would be greatly appreciated.
13. Gaining A Feeling Of Belonging

It’s natural for anyone to feel the need to belong. You’ll feel like you belong when you are accepted. The desire to belong is to give and be given attention to and from others.
Show kindness to others by giving a listening ear and be the voice of reason. You will not only spread cheer but it will give you a feeling of connectedness.
Have empathy for others who are physically or mentally challenged. Put aside any criticisms that build barriers and connect with people. Donate your time to those who are most vulnerable, less privileged and have different needs.
Whenever the opportunity presents itself, make some room in your heart for others. You cannot put a price tag on kindness. Whether big or small, acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone’s life. Treat everyone with kindness and make a difference in someone’s life.
What acts of kindness have you done today?
wow, great post! I love how simple yet meaningful and impactful these are!
Hey Carson,
Even the smallest act of kindness can have a significant impact on someone’s life.
Love this!! More kindness is needed in the world
Hey Monica,
I agree, We do need more kindness in the world. We can never have too much.
Loving all of these ideas!
Hi Christy,
I’m happy you found this helpful!
I love the first one. I think it’s such a great form of kindness. Yes, I’m one of those that smiles at people in the street! Lovely post.
Hi Natalie,
It’s so simple but it makes a great impact.
Soooooo important! Kindness is key.
Hi Keegan,
Indeed! Kindness is key, it can make a world of difference in someone’s life.
Kindess is so important! It’s crazy how much a smile can turn people’s day around. Thank you for this amazing list to make the world a happier and better place!
Hey Adriane,
Sometimes a smile is all it takes! I’m happy you found this list useful.
I’m truly elated that you have presented practical ways and truths in which we can incorporate in our daily lives in order to experience optimum health and wellness. Keep on being a mouth piece for God and the community. The world needs these simlpe profound truths to swim out of this turbulent wave of the pandemic phenomenon. You’re so amazing and the world is depending on you to feed them with the medicine of encouragement. I’m going to subscribe and keep anticipating your powerful motivational work. Thanks for responding to your inspiration and keep feeding it. We’ll definitely keep touch.
Hey Gary,
Thanks for your kind words. This helps to motivate me to keep going. Happy you found it helpful!